Friday, December 28, 2007

Once a Techer always a Techer

As much as I've had a blast living away from modern civilization in Chile, Bolivia and Peru I've missed my laptop and 24hr internet access.

I've uploaded more sounds of the instruments I've found to the freesound project. My latest addition is the Phukuna, a flute that sounds like the wind.

I've also started using the music programs I'd installed, like Beatcraft ( This program makes it simple to synthesize percussion loops without a MIDI controller. Like MIDI, it uses sound files to synthesise the instruments, but the cool thing is that it works with different file formats (I've tried ogg and mp3). So the next step is to record my djembe with the different hits. Then I'll have the sound on my laptop and can create beats without having to annoy my neighbors by playing the real thing.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Never too old to mosh

Last night I went to the Trastienda Club in downtown Buenos Aires to see Árbol. I was supposed to go with Mary, but I took my niece, Carolina, instead. It was a sweet show and sweeter was the fact that it was Carol's first rock show (she's 15). She hung back while I started some kilombo in the pit. After eight years of going to shows like these I realized that I got used to being stepped on, being drenched in sweat, having my hands smell like other people's BO from pushing against them, brusing my hands from hitting people, and falling down. What I wasn't used to was someone karate kicking my thigh. Good times.

Also, while I looked up how to spell kilombo I found this website: which seems like an urbandictionary for latin america. I'm starting to need it after traveling through various countries with different slangs.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Pork is awesome

The best thing about screening Pork on my friend's linux server is that I can use it as my answering machine because its always on even when I'm not connected. For those non-techy people this means that I can stay online with AIM and check any away messages whenever.

I got this message today:

evertime i see you online, you're in a diff. place
go you!

This from a guy I haven't talked to in years.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Guilty Pleasure

No need to say I've got some weird taste in music, but some likes (for example Aqua) are better left unsaid unless its to a very good friend. Well, these next two bands are just that, a guilty pleasure in music. I also mention them because they're both from Argentina, which is where I'll be for the next few months.

Primero, Árbol. I'm going to their show on the 26th (would have gone with a friend but that didn't work out so i'm going alone). They are the good kind of pop rock that I grew up with in my OC HS. This is a guilty pleasure because I feel I'm getting a bit old.

Favorite songs->
Soy vos

Why do I like the next band in secret? Well its because
"Los shows de la banda en vivo son caracterizados por bailes, maquillaje y prendas estrafalarias en sus integrantes." Which means its a pretty wierd eletropop group, but what can I say I'm hypnotized by the guy's falseto.

Favorite songs->
Don (Hot nurses)

Y uno bien pajero es El Profe ("yo quiero ser tu profe. te voy a engañar solo para tocarte un poco")