Thursday, March 20, 2008

Buki the Bukmeister Bukiri Buk Buk

Dude, those were some intense five days. That's what happens when your friend visits you in Buenos Aires and stays for only four nights.

Besides being able to see my friend again, I finally went to San Telmo for the Sunday fair. That's where I started talking to this one señor that was playing the guitar. His name is Juan Carlos Balvidares. Aparently, he is the number one traveler of Argentina and he "takes the patriotic colors as he travels through Argentina at a pace of 50Km per day. He is the author of milongas, zambas, vals and chacareras... poet by experience." He hangs out in the Flores, Recoleta and San Telmo neighborhoods.

This 75 year old man was legit, not like the person impersonating Gardel (a famous tango singer) down the street. He even signed the cd I bought and he asked me who I wanted it dedicated to. There was a time I would have dedicated it to someone else, but this time it was for "mi querida mamá, con todo cariño, tu hijo Issac, que tanto te ama."

I took the oportunity to send back some stuff with my friend. So now I don't have my flamenco guitar nor my djembe anymore. But at least I have the djembe sampled so I can make virtual beats.

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